Style Guide

Code Style

This project follows Google's C++ Style Guide with the following amendments:

  1. camelCase should be used for function names

  2. ALL_CAPS should be used for constants (in addition to macros)

If a class/function could feasibly be upstreamed to MFEM or implements an MFEM interface, it should be part of the serac::mfem_ext namespace and use MFEM's PascalCase naming convention.

The Google style guide is meant for style enforcement only. The design principles outlined in the C++ Core Guidelines should be followed.

Of particular importance are the guidelines proposed for managing object lifetime:

  1. Use raw pointers and references [only] to denote non-ownership (R.3 - R.4)

  2. Prefer unique_ptr to shared_ptr (R.21)

For example, if an object A creates a subobject B whose constructor requires a reference to one of A's instance variables Foo f, B should store a non-owning reference to f, either Foo& or Foo*. This should be const if at all possible. In this case, shared ownership is not required because the lifetime of B is entirely dependent on the lifetime of A.


Functions, structs, classes, and critical member variables should be annotated with Doxygen comments. These comments should be enclosed in Javadoc-style comment blocks. For example, a variable can be documented as follows:

 * The MPI communicator
MPI_Comm m_comm;

When annotating code, especially functions, Doxygen's special commands can come in handy to provide additional information:

 * Calculate du_dt = M^-1 (-Ku + f).
 * This is all that is needed for explicit methods
 * @param[in] u The state vector (input to the differentiation)
 * @param[out] du The derivative of @p u with respect to time
 * @see
virtual void Mult(const mfem::Vector &u, mfem::Vector &du_dt) const;

For non-void functions, the @return command should be used to describe the return value.