
StateManager is a global interface for (as the name suggests) managing state - specifically, the following core components of a simulation:

  1. Meshes - instances of mfem::ParMesh

  2. Fields - instances of serac::FiniteElementState

  3. Duals - instances of serac::FiniteElementDual

  4. Material state - instances of serac::QuadratureData<T>

StateManager acts as both a factory for creating the latter three kinds of state and a means of restarting a simulation, where state is saved to a file and later reloaded to an identical point in the simulation. Critically, this abstraction means that implementers of physics modules do not have to worry about restart vs. non-restart logic, as these factory methods can be used identically in either case.

Under the hood, StateManager is implemented in terms of Axom's axom::sidre::MFEMSidreDataCollection, whose user documentation is available here.

MFEMSidreDataCollection is an implementation of MFEM's DataCollection interface, which allows for instances of mfem::GridFunction and mfem::QuadratureFunction to be associated with a single instance of mfem::Mesh. Because Serac supports multiple meshes within a given simulation, StateManager acts as an abstraction over multiple MFEMSidreDataCollection instances.

Nominal (non-restart) Workflow

The first interaction a user must always make with StateManager is a call to its static initialize() method. StateManager is implemented as a global singleton so that its contained data can be accessed from physics modules anywhere in the simulation. The singleton is initialized with a non-owning reference to an axom::sidre::DataStore and an output directory to which data will be saved.


StateManager does not own its DataStore because Serac uses a single datastore to store different kinds of data - that is, data unrelated to the state defined above. In particular, input file data is also stored in the per-simulation DataStore instance.

Before any other kinds of state can be created, a mesh must be registered via SetMesh(). In order for a restart to work properly, all state data must be owned by the underlying StateManager, so ownership of the mesh is transferred via a unique_ptr. In the case of multi-mesh simulations, a name should also be used to uniquely identify the mesh.

Individual physics modules - that are of course based on these kinds of state - can now be constructed. In general, this process looks something like the following:

  1. The physics module constructor accepts a mesh pointer and forwards it to the BasePhysics constructor. This parameter is required only in multi-mesh configurations and defaults to the default mesh otherwise. Although meshes also have string-valued tags associated with them, a user of a physics module would find it more intuitive to pass the mesh pointer they wish to use. Specifically, the meaning of a mesh parameter is much easier to discern than a string parameter.

  2. The physics module creates its fields (e.g., temperature for a heat transfer module) via calls to StateManager::newState(). In addition to the serac::FiniteElementState constructor arguments, this method also accepts a string-valued tag for the mesh with which the field is associated. The appropriate tag is a member of BasePhysics and initialized in the previous step. FIXME: Should we provide a protected helper method in BasePhysics so derived modules don't need to reference the member explicitly? Or perhaps StateManager::newState() et al should just take a mesh pointer instead of a tag?

  3. The FiniteElementState is then constructed and registered in the corresponding MFEMSidreDataCollection. The only tricky part about this process is the need for the underlying GridFunction to be allocated within Sidre. This required an additional option to the FiniteElementState constructor that leaves the vector data uninitialized (aka nullptr). After we create the FiniteElementState we register its underlying GridFunction in the MFEMSidreDataCollection and zero it out.

  4. When the user wishes to save simulation state to disk, they can call outputState() on their physics module. FIXME: This could be confusing because this will call the global StateManager::save() which will save all data associated with a particular mesh. In particular we wouldn't want users to save twice if they have two physics modules on the same mesh (by calling outputState on each).

The use of serac::QuadratureData<T> for material state data is discussed here.

Restart Workflow

The "metadata" StateManager uses for choosing a restart file is the cycle (aka step number). These are used in StateManager::save() and StateManager::load() and subsequently as part of the filename written to disk.

As with a nominal workflow, the user must call initialize(). Note that while in the nominal case the directory parameter refers to the directory to which data will be saved, in a restart case this is also the directory from which data will be loaded.

Because the mesh already exists in the save file from which we're restarting, there is no need to call setMesh(). Instead, the user calls StateManager::load(), passing it the cycle number from which they wish to restart and the tag identifying the mesh. As in the nominal case, this tag is not necessary for single-mesh simulations.


Because the mesh tag is used in the filename, it must exactly match the tag used in the call to setMesh() in the previous simulation run.

StateManager::load() will reconstruct the mfem::ParMesh, mfem::GridFunction, and mfem::QuadratureFunction objects. The StateManager factory methods can be used in the exact same way as they would in a nominal run, though the internal logic is of course different. In particular, it will search through the restored data for a field with the requested name and use that instead of constructing a new field via the process described above.


Serac's QuadratureData template is an abstraction over mfem::QuadratureFunction, the type used to store per-quadrature-point data. We implement this functionality in terms of mfem::QuadratureFunction so that we can store this data in MFEMSidreDataCollection, which implements mfem::DataCollection::RegisterQField (which accepts a QuadratureFunction ).

Because QuadratureFunction only allows for floating-point data (as either scalars or vectors), QuadratureData<T> allows for the storage of arbitrary (user-defined) types via a double-buffer approach. That is, data is stored in a buffer of type T[] for easy access within the serac::Functional ecosystem (which natively supports QuadratureData instances) and then copied (via a bit_cast) to the double[] buffer encapsulated by an mfem::QuadratureFunction when we wish to save state to disk. In the case of a restart the process works in reverse - data is bit_cast 'ed from the double[] buffer to the T[] buffer.

To allow synchronization to occur only when necessary, the StateManager registers a reference to each QuadratureData in a type-erased (via virtual functions) callback list. This further layer of abstraction - called SyncableData - allows quadrature point data of varying types to be uniformly synchronized to the corresponding mfem::QuadratureFunction instances.