Serac  0.1
Serac is an implicit thermal strucural mechanics simulation code.
functional Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for functional:



file  domain.hpp [code]
 many of the functions in this file amount to extracting element indices from an mfem::Mesh like
file  dual.hpp [code]
 This file contains the declaration of a dual number class.
file  finite_element.hpp [code]
 This file contains helper traits and enumerations for classifying finite elements.
file  functional.hpp [code]
 Implementation of the quadrature-function-based functional enabling rapid development of FEM formulations.
file  functional_qoi.inl [code]
 a specialization of serac::Functional for quantities of interest
file  isotropic_tensor.hpp [code]
 Implementation of isotropic tensor classes.
file  polynomials.hpp [code]
 Definitions of 1D quadrature weights and node locations and polynomial basis functions.
file  quadrature.hpp [code]
 Definitions of quadrature rules for quads and hexes.
file  quadrature_data.cpp [code]
 This file exists to instantiate some global QuadratureData objects.
file  quadrature_data.hpp [code]
 This file contains the declaration of the structures that manage quadrature point data.
file  shape_aware_functional.hpp [code]
 Wrapper of serac::Functional for evaluating integrals and derivatives of quantities with shape displacement fields.
file  tensor.hpp [code]
 Implementation of the tensor class used by Functional.
file  tuple.hpp [code]
 Implements a std::tuple-like object that works in CUDA kernels.