Quickstart Guide

Getting Serac

Serac is hosted on GitHub. Serac uses git submodules, so the project must be cloned recursively. Use either of the following commands to pull Serac's repository:

# Using SSH keys setup with GitHub
$ git clone --recursive git@github.com:LLNL/serac.git

# Using HTTPS which works for everyone but is slightly slower and will require username/password
# for some commands
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/LLNL/serac.git

Overview of the Serac build process

The Serac build process has been broken into three phases with various related options:

  1. (Optional) Build the developer tools

  2. Build the third party libraries

  3. Build the serac source code

The developer tools are only required if you wish to contribute to the Serac source code. The first two steps involve building all of the third party libraries that are required by Serac. Two options exist for this process: using the Spack HPC package manager via the uberenv wrapper script or building the required dependencies on your own. We recommend the first option as building HPC libraries by hand can be a tedious process. Once the third party libraries are built, Serac can be built using the cmake-based BLT HPC build system.


If you get the following error ERROR: pip version 19.0.3 is too old to install clingo, run the following command to upgrade your pip: python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip. This error will not necessarily be the last error on the screen.

Building Serac's Developer Tools


This can be skipped if you are not doing Serac development or if you are on an LC machine. They are installed in a group space defined in host-config/<machine name>-<SYS_TYPE>-<compiler>.cmake

Serac developers utilize some industry standard development tools in their everyday work. We build these with Spack and have them installed in a public space on commonly used LC machines. These are defined in the host-configs in our repository.

If you wish to build them yourself (which takes a long time), use one of the following commands:

For LC machines:

$ python3 scripts/llnl/build_devtools.py --directory=<devtool/build/path>

For other machines:

$ python3 scripts/uberenv/uberenv.py --project-json=scripts/spack/devtools.json --spack-env-file=<scripts/spack/configs/platform/spack.yaml> --prefix=<devtool/build/path>

For example on Ubuntu 20.04:

python3 scripts/uberenv/uberenv.py --project-json=scripts/spack/devtools.json --spack-env-file=scripts/spack/configs/linux_ubuntu_20/spack.yaml --prefix=../path/to/install

Unlike Serac's library dependencies, our developer tools can be built with any compiler because they are not linked into the serac executable. We recommend GCC 8 because we have tested that they all build with that compiler.

Building Serac's Dependencies via Spack/uberenv


This is optional if you are on an LC machine as we have previously built the dependencies. You can see these machines and configurations in the host-configs repository directory.

Serac only directly requires MFEM, Axom, and Conduit. Through MFEM, Serac also depends on a number of other third party libraries (Hypre, METIS, NetCDF, ParMETIS, SuperLU, and zlib).

The easiest path to build Serac's dependencies is to use Spack. This has been encapsulated using Uberenv. Uberenv helps by doing the following:

  • Pulls a blessed version of Spack locally

  • If you are on a known operating system (like TOSS3), we have defined Spack configuration files to keep Spack from building the world

  • Installs our Spack packages into the local Spack

  • Simplifies whole dependency build into one command

Uberenv will create a directory containing a Spack instance with the required Serac dependencies installed.


This directory must not be within the Serac repo - the example below uses a directory called serac_libs at the same level as the Serac repository. The --prefix input argument is required.

It also generates a host-config file (<config_dependent_name>.cmake) at the root of Serac repository. This host-config defines all the required information for building Serac.

$ python3 scripts/uberenv/uberenv.py --prefix=../serac_libs


On LC machines, it is good practice to do the build step in parallel on a compute node. Here is an example command: salloc -ppdebug -N1-1 python3 scripts/uberenv/uberenv.py

Unless otherwise specified Spack will default to a compiler. This is generally not a good idea when developing large codes. To specify which compiler to use add the compiler specification to the --spec Uberenv command line option. On TOSS3, we recommend and have tested --spec=%clang@10.0.0. More compiler specs can be found in the Spack compiler files in our repository: scripts/spack/configs/<platform>/spack.yaml.

We currently regularly test the following Spack configuration files:

  • Linux Ubuntu 20.04 (via Windows WSL 2)

  • TOSS 3 (On Ruby at LC)

  • BlueOS (On Lassen at LC)

To install Serac on a new platform, it is a good idea to start with a known Spack environments file, or spack.yaml file, (located in the Serac repo at scripts/spack/configs/<platform>). The spack.yaml file describes the compilers and associated flags required for the platform as well as the low-level libraries on the system to prevent Spack from building the world. Documentation on these configuration files is located in the Spack docs.


If you do not have a spack.yaml already, you can leave off that command line option from uberenv and Spack will generate a new one for you. Uberenv will copy it where you ran your uberenv command for future use.

Some helpful uberenv options include :

  • --spec=" build_type=Debug" (build the MFEM and Hypre libraries with debug symbols)

  • --spec=+profiling (build the Adiak and Caliper libraries)

  • --spec=+devtools (also build the devtools with one command)

  • --spec=%clang@10.0.0 (build with a specific compiler as defined in the spack.yaml file)

  • --spack-env-file=<Path to Spack environment file> (use specific Spack environment configuration file)

  • --prefix=<Path> (required, build and install the dependencies in a particular location) - this must be outside of your local Serac repository

The modifiers to the Spack specification spec can be chained together, e.g. --spec='%clang@10.0.0+devtools build_type=Debug'.

If you already have a Spack instance from another project that you would like to reuse, you can do so by changing the uberenv command as follows:

$ python3 scripts/uberenv/uberenv.py --upstream=</path/to/my/spack>/opt/spack

Building Serac's Dependencies by Hand

To build Serac's dependencies by hand, use of a host-config CMake configuration file is stongly encouraged. A good place to start is by copying an existing host config in the host-config directory and modifying it according to your system setup.

Using a Docker Image with Preinstalled Dependencies

As an alternative, you can build Serac using preinstalled dependencies inside a Docker container. Instructions for this process are located here.

Building Serac

Serac uses a CMake build system that wraps its configure step with a script called config-build.py. This script creates a build directory and runs the necessary CMake command for you. You just need to point the script at the generated or a provided host-config. This can be accomplished with one of the following commands:

# If you built Serac's dependencies yourself either via Spack or by hand
$ python3 ./config-build.py -hc <config_dependent_name>.cmake

# If you are on an LC machine and want to use our public pre-built dependencies
$ python3 ./config-build.py -hc host-configs/<machine name>-<SYS_TYPE>-<compiler>.cmake

# If you'd like to configure specific build options, e.g., a release build
$ python3 ./config-build.py -hc /path/to/host-config.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release <more CMake build options...>

If you built the dependencies using Spack/uberenv, the host-config file is output at the project root. To use the pre-built dependencies on LC, you must be in the appropriate LC group. Contact Jamie Bramwell for access.

Some build options frequently used by Serac include:

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Specifies the build type, see the CMake docs

  • ENABLE_BENCHMARKS: Enables Google Benchmark performance tests, defaults to OFF

  • ENABLE_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS: Turns compiler warnings into errors, defaults to ON

  • ENABLE_ASAN: Enables the Address Sanitizer for memory safety inspections, defaults to OFF

  • SERAC_ENABLE_CODEVELOP: Enables local development build of MFEM/Axom, see Co-Developing with Axom and MFEM, defaults to OFF

Once the build has been configured, Serac can be built with the following commands:

$ cd build-<system-and-toolchain>
$ make -j16


On LC machines, it is good practice to do the build step in parallel on a compute node. Here is an example command: srun -ppdebug -N1 --exclusive make -j16

We provide the following useful build targets that can be run from the build directory:

  • test: Runs our unit tests

  • docs: Builds our documentation to the following locations:

    • Sphinx: build-*/src/docs/html/index.html

    • Doxygen: /build-*/src/docs/html/doxygen/html/index.html

  • style: Runs styling over source code and replaces files in place

  • check: Runs a set of code checks over source code (CppCheck and clang-format)

Preparing Windows WSL/Ubuntu for Serac installation

For faster installation of the Serac dependencies via Spack on Windows WSL/Ubuntu systems, install cmake, MPICH, openblas, OpenGL, and the various developer tools using the following commands:

Ubuntu 20.04

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install cmake libopenblas-dev libopenblas-base mpich mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev cppcheck doxygen libreadline-dev python3-sphinx python3-pip clang-format-10 m4
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* /usr/lib

Ubuntu 18.04

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install g++-8 gcc-8
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-8 800 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-8
$ sudo apt-get install cmake libopenblas-dev libopenblas-base mpich mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev cppcheck doxygen libreadline-dev python3-distutils python3-pip
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* /usr/lib

Note that the last line is required since Spack expects the system libraries to exist in a directory named lib. During the third party library build phase, the appropriate Spack config directory must be specified using either:

Ubuntu 20.04

python3 scripts/uberenv/uberenv.py --spack-env-file=scripts/spack/configs/linux_ubuntu_20/spack.yaml --prefix=../path/to/install

Ubuntu 18.04

python3 scripts/uberenv/uberenv.py --spack-env-file=scripts/spack/configs/linux_ubuntu_18/spack.yaml --prefix=../path/to/install

Building Serac dependencies on MacOS


These instructions are in development.

Meeting base dependency requirements

One way to install the required depedencies is with the MacPorts package manager. Install the required ports as follows:

$ sudo port install clang-12 openmpi-clang12 gcc12 bzip2 cmake autoconf automake gettext graphviz pkgconfig xorg-libX11 lapack readline zlib

(Note: The port gcc12 is included only to have a fortran compiler.)

Activate the particular compiler packages with MacPorts:

$ sudo port select clang mp-clang-12
$ sudo port select mpi openmpi-clang12-fortran
$ sudo port select gcc mp-gcc12

This step tells MacPorts to make symbolic links in your path so that, for example, the command clang will invoke the compiler installed by the MacPorts package and not the one shipped by Apple. It also sets up a set of symlinks so that Clang, GCC, and the MPI wrappers all work without you having to muck with environment variables to locate header files and libraries. It may be possible to skip this step and give full paths to your compilers in spack.yaml nested under compilers: (instead of the symlinks /opt/local/bin/clang, etc.), but we haven't tried this.


If you want to remove these symlinks, use the port select command with none as the desired port; e.g., sudo port select clang none

While building ParMetis, Spack invokes the MPI compiler wrapper with the mpic++ command, but MacPorts does not create this particular synonym for OpenMPI. It does create mpicxx. This can be solved by making a symlink:

$ cd /opt/local/bin
$ sudo ln -s mpicxx mpic++

MacPorts will automatically update the mpicxx symlink in /opt/local/bin to point to the correct executable when you use the port select command to activate a partiular MPI package. By making mpic++ point to mpicxx, this command will also automatically point to the correct executable if you change the global MPI package through MacPorts in the future.

The Serac build scripts will install the clingo package in your Python environment (and may even uninstall it if it finds it with a version it considers too old). If you don't want the install to modify your Python environment, you may wish to conisder using tools like virtual environments or conda to isolate this change.

Configuring Spack

Next, you must tailor the Spack configuration file. We will modify the spack.yaml file in scripts/spack/configs/darwin/. Instead of modifying them directly, you may wish to copy these files to another location outside of the Serac repo, use them as templates for the customization, and use the --spack-env-file option to use them when invoking uberenv as described above.

Example spack.yaml:

      compiler: [clang, gcc]
        blas: [netlib-lapack]
        lapack: [netlib-lapack]
        mpi: [openmpi]

      buildable: false
      - spec: openmpi@4.1.4
        prefix: /opt/local

      buildable: false
      - spec: netlib-lapack@3.10.1
        prefix: /opt/local
      buildable: false
      - spec: autoconf@2.71
        prefix: /opt/local
      buildable: false
      - spec: automake@1.16.5
        prefix: /opt/local
      buildable: false
      - spec: bzip2@1.0.8
        prefix: /opt/local
      version: [3.22.4]
      buildable: false
      - spec: cmake@3.22.4
        prefix: /opt/local
      buildable: false
      - spec: gettext@0.21
        prefix: /opt/local
      buildable: false
      - spec: graphviz@2.50.0
        prefix: /opt/local
      buildable: false
      - spec: libtool@2.4.6
        prefix: /opt/local
      buildable: false
      - spec: libx11@1.8.1
        prefix: /opt/local
      buildable: false
      - spec: m4@1.4.6
        prefix: /usr
      buildable: false
      - spec: perl@v5.30.2
        prefix: /usr
      buildable: false
      - spec: pkg-config@0.29.2
        prefix: /opt/local
      buildable: false
      - spec: tar@3.3.2
        prefix: /usr
      buildable: false
      - spec: readline@
        prefix: /opt/local
      buildable: false
      - spec: unzip@6.0
        prefix: /usr
      buildable: false
      - spec: zlib@1.2.12
        prefix: /opt/local

  - compiler:
      environment: {}
      extra_rpaths: []
      flags: {}
      modules: []
      operating_system: bigsur
        cc: /opt/local/bin/clang
        cxx: /opt/local/bin/clang++
        f77: /opt/local/bin/gfortran
        fc: /opt/local/bin/gfortran
      spec: clang@12.0.1
      target: x86_64


  • The operating_system field should be set according to your macOS version. (For example, mojave, catalina, bigsur, monterey, ventura).

  • By default, MacPorts installs packages in /opt/local; the above paths need to be adjusted if you choose a different location. This of course applies to the packages in spack.yaml as well.

  • As noted above, the port select ... commands will set which version of clang gets invoked by the executables /opt/local/bin/clang, etc. The paths above are thus valid only if you activated the clang package that matches the compiler spec. Alternatively, you could set the full name and path of the executables of the desired compilers if you don't want the operation of Spack to be influenced by your MacPorts settings.

  • You should set spec to the actual version of the compiler you installed.

  • The target entry should be set to x86_64 or m1 depending on which architecture your machine uses.

  • The version specs should be set to the actual versions of the packages you have, which will not neccesarily be the same as the above. This can be discovered for the packages installed with MacPorts using the following command:

$ port info clang-12 openmpi-clang12 gcc12 bzip2 autoconf automake gettext graphviz pkgconfig xorg-libX11 lapack readline zlib
  • Use the version number provided, taking the values up to, but excluding, any underscore.

  • The packages not installed by MacPorts are the ones that have /usr as the prefix. The versions already present on the system are sufficient for the build.

The above Spack settings and MacPorts packages will cover the basic installation of Serac. If you want to build the optional devtools, you should install the additional packages with MacPorts:

Then, append the following to spack.yaml nested under packages::

  version: [2.3]
  buildable: false
  - spec: cppcheck@2.3
    prefix: /usr/local
  version: [1.8.13]
  buildable: false
  - spec: doxygen@1.8.13
    prefix: /usr/local
  version: [10.0.0]
  buildable: false
  - spec: llvm+clang@10.0.0
    prefix: <path/to/llvm/10>
  buildable: false
  - spec: python@3.9
    prefix: <path/to/python/venv>


  • LLVM/Clang is needed for the style check tools. The exact version 10.0.0 is apparently highly recommended, since other versions may format the code slightly differently, which will mean that pull requests formatted with them may trigger style errors in the CI checks.

  • The placeholders <path/to/llvm/10> and <path/to/python/venv> need to be filled in with actual paths. See the following two notes.

  • LLVM 10.0.0 has been superseded as the version for llvm-10; so this package is not easily installable with MacPorts. You must build it yourself and then point to the build location.

  • For <path/to/python/venv>, specify the the virtual environment directory created above.

Building dependencies

The invocation of uberenv.py is slightly modified from the standard instructions above in order to force the use of the MacPorts-installed MPI:

$ ./scripts/uberenv/uberenv.py --prefix=../path/for/TPLs --spec="%clang@12.0.1 ^openmpi@4.1.4"

Notice the caret with the MPI spec. Without this, current versions of Spack ignore the spack.yaml file and try to build a version of MPI from source. You can add additional specs as noted in the section Building Serac's Dependencies via Spack/uberenv.